Building a search is easy. But there is a huge gap between "it works" and "it's very good" (otherwise everyone could compete with Google)
Benefits & features
State-of-the-art algorithms: Vector search, keyword search, hybrid search, agentic chunking, reranking; Our team is always on the lookout for new and improved ways of making search results accurate and useful.
Ready for classic search and RAG: Our search endpoints have been made specifically for classic search (aka Google-style results) and for RAG applications.
Multi-tenancy: Multi-tenancy is supported by default with shared indexes; and with the possibility to migrate into per-tenant indexes.
Secure and obfuscated: Your original text is encrypted at field level, and the keyword search uses obfuscation methods. This means that only our servers can read this data.
In-house AI (in development): We are working on hosting AI models, so the data you send us will never be shared with a third party. Please note that during the Alpha we are still using Azure OpenAI models.
Get Started
(Our solution is still in Alpha, there is no self-serve available for now)